Multisite Overview

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  friendly fire 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27869

    Post count: 180

    are there any instructions / write-up / overview of how wp geodirectory is supposed to work with multisite?


    Post count: 29970

    Just like any other plugin, I guess. Just activate for the sub-sites you like.


    Post count: 180

    do subsites and mainsite share all the places/events listings? or are they completely separate database installations? and all users and transactions separate?

    if they share data, is there a way to set default searches to a region? ie – if i have 50 states, and a user searches for dentist… I want them to get results from the site they are on


    Post count: 29970

    Every sub-site will have its own tables in the database, so they do not share anything.
    A user needs to register for each site separately.
    They only share the plugin files basically.


    Post count: 180

    okay, fair enough

    I suppose it might be asking too much to share selected listings from the mainsite to the subsites… things like generic places etc or… premium listings that post across multiple niche sites


    Post count: 180

    or conversely, have a master directory on the mainsite that can search all the subsites… that would actually be preferable.


    Post count: 29970

    Everything is possible, but that is not how multi-sites usually work without custom coding.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You would need a custom widget (or function) to display listing from subsites into the main site.

    If you want I can move this into the Jobs section.



    Post count: 180

    Hi, thanks for following up

    I started trying to test the ThreeWP Broadcast plugin to see what would happen between the mainsite and a subsite.

    I was using dummy data with different default locations and I didn’t have all the GD addons enabled and while the mainsite copied the customer post type for places to the subsite I couldn’t find it on the live site but almost certain that was due to incomplete setup.

    I haven’t had time/energy to complete setting things up and trying it again, but it was promising – lots of variables with ‘use case’ – but to be able to post ‘places’ in a central mainsite that updates niche subsites would be manna from heaven.

    I’m not prepared to fund development for this, so don’t bother to post in jobs (unless there is a volunteer dev section). But still hoping off-the-shelf plugin with some appropriate settings would do it.


    friendly fire
    Post count: 37

    @wasanajones , I just spoke to the owner of Threewp Broadcast and he said he’d be willing to create an addon if we could round more 3 or more people. You seem to be into this so put your name in the hat here:

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