Geodirectory has a login widget that allows a link to ‘My Listings’. I’m using woocommerce to sell memberships so want to use the woocommerce login account dashboard to display a button link to ‘My Listings’. I can create the button but need to get the link working.
Currently that link looks like this which takes the username of the logged in person…. http://www.webaddress.com/author/rogermorley/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place.
I wondered if somebody could please provide a quote to add in the relevant php code to produce a link that will take clients to their individual logins.
To explain better, I have included the necessary work needed as explained by Paolo on the forum.
The variable is the username of the logged in user.
so if the logged in user is : paolo the url will be:
If you are suing more than one CPT the last part becomes dynamic too.
This require custom PHP code.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
Many Thanks