'Near Me' function for new locations?

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    I have seen a ‘Near Me’ function on a few sites. This shows via GPS what businesses/landmarks/whatever that are already listed on a map, say google maps, not my site map.
    Is there any way to use this type of functionality to add new listings in GEODir? Think of it as a ‘Hey here is what is near you right now. Which one do you want to add?’
    The reason I want to do this is to enable fast mobile location addition. If I am at home it is not big deal to type in a location. On mobile it is not so fast and not so easy.

    What I want to happen is this:
    1.Person goes to site and selects add location
    2.A list of selections is presented based on GPS locations within say 100m. These selections are not currently listed on my site but pulled from a master map like maps.google.com
    3.Person chooses one of the ‘near me’ selections and is able add this selection as new location then provide detail first, then review.

    Here is a 2009 article on how to do it from google.


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