Need a developer – Co Authors or Group sharing

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #48776

    Post count: 55

    Hello developers,

    I’ve been working on a directory website, and it’s almost finished.
    However I need a task to show co authors directory fields on users custome profile page, I thought I could do this with a plugin “Co-Authors Plus”, however I can only see a top author on his/her profile page and don’t see co-authors’ profile page.

    I am managing members with s2member, doesn’t matter which level the members are, every members will get their own custom profile page. here’s example;

    Company (e.g. Cafe) = Inside this ABC Cafe, there are;
    Level2 = Listing author (e.g. Tom, can *edit Cafe detail from My Directory Profile)
    Level1 = Listing member (e.g. John, can only *view Cafe detail from My Directory Profile)
    Level0 = Associate member (e.g. Paul, can only *view Cafe detail My Directory Profile)

    I can manage *viewing only / *edit & view with s2member, however I need to show the same listing fields of Cafe on all Tom, John and Paul’s custom profile page.

    My Profile = logged in user’s personal details such as name, phone and email.
    My directory profile = Company listing detail where are are belong to

    I read some of support forum, and I’m not sure this is possible?
    If it’s not possible is there any way to share listing between group members?

    Please let me know if any developers are interested in working on this project. or any suggestions welcome!

    I look forward to hearing from you, and many thanks for your consideration in advance.

    Kind Regards,


    Post count: 29970

    Not sure I understand the brief correctly, but if you use Buddypress and the BP_GD addon, you will have a profile page you can add S2 fields to, and Tom, John and Paul can either favorite their Cafe or create a list with their cafes (if you use the Whoop Theme or once the GD Lists addon is available for other themes.


    Post count: 55

    Hello Guust,

    Thank you so much for a tip!
    The profile page is created as custom page. I used s2member shortcode for ‘Personal Profile’, so now Tom, John and Paul have their own personal details on their ‘Personal Profile’ box.

    On ‘My Directory Profile’, Tom will be the group admin, so Cafe is only showing on Tom’s ‘My Directory Profile’ box, not on John and Paul’s. Hope this make sense.

    This favourite listing sounds great, thank you for it.
    Sadly I don’t use Whoop Theme, it’s a shame, GD Lists could be the solution!

    Thanks again for your help!


    Dan Griffiths
    Expired Member
    Post count: 1

    Hey! Paolo pointed me in your direction. I’m a WordPress developer looking for some design help and he thought maybe we could help each other out. Please feel free to contact me if you’re still looking for a developer!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206
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    Post count: 55

    Hi Dan!
    Thank you so much for your offer!
    We nearly finished our GD website, but we always need developer’s hand on different projects, so we’d really appreciate with your approach, and of course we are happy to give our design skill on your projects!
    I will pass my email address to Paolo, so please drop me an email sometime.
    Thanks again for contacting!

    Have a happy Sunday,


    Post count: 55
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    HI Eri,

    I’ve passed your email to Dan! Thanks for the heads up about your website. Can’t wait to add it to our showcase section!


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