Need some help ASAP

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Roman 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #293554

    Post count: 232

    Hi, guys I have just noticed that on both of my site running Supreme Directory, detail page that is accessed via facebook built-in browser on android is not 100% wide and looks like the one on screenshot.

    The problem is that right now I’m running an ad campaign on facebook for my local business that is represented via this website. The landing page is the the GD Detail Page that has this problem and I’m afraid that the crippled layout will affect the campaign results.

    Please help me find a fix for this problem as soon as possible.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 232
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    Post count: 232

    And here is how looks the search results page on my other site via the same fb built-in browser.The height and width are messed up for some reason.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    I can’t recreate this, it looks fine on my phone, what device are u using?
    Do you have an exact page link?



    Post count: 232

    Hi, Stiofan,
    I’m using Samsung Galaxy S7, it’s the facebook app browser that renders the page this way.
    The example of the page is
    Interestingly it has this problem only in portrait mode, in landscape everything seems alright.
    Let me find you on FB and I’ll send you the link, so that you can open it in FB itself.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I have a S7 also and it loads fine for me via facebook, is it maybe only when u are logged in?



    Post count: 232

    Nope, I’m not logged in.
    This is strange, because I have the same results on both sites running GD. Are you sure you accessed it via facebook in-app browser? Because some people turn it off and in this case it will simply redirect you to a default browser like chrome.


    Post count: 232

    I have just confirmed from my friends that on other android devices like Asus Zen Phone 5 there is a same problem only the white blank space on the right is smaller – probably because the phone has a smaller pixel density? I’m not sure, but it might be the reason. On Iphone 7 and Iphone 5s everything looks really nice.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I still can’t replicate on several devices, can you try on wifi and on normal phone internet?



    Post count: 232

    Just tested it. It’s still the same result for wifi and mobile data.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    i can only fix what i can replicate, you say its happening on your S7 and i can’t see it on my S7 🙁


    Post count: 232

    I’ve just shared another page from another website that also has similar problem, I shared it in your facebook group for Web Directory Developers, please see if you can replicate the effect on your end.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 232

    Hi @stiofan, I’ve recently posted an update in facebook directory developer group to those pages in question, there is still something’s wrong with them even with default font size being normal.
    And mainly the problem still can be seen in mobile when tapping on that hamburger icon to show the right or left menu. But this time i can see it in Chrome as well.
    Please see it once again. May be this time you could replicate it. Thank you.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Roman,

    It seems to be something recently added by Google maps that is causing the problem. adding this css rule fixes it.

    // Google maps adds a span which breaks our mobile slide out menus
    body > span[style*='top: -999px']{display: none;}




    Post count: 232

    It has worked like magic, and it solved the FB issue with the large font too.

    Thank you very much, Stiofan.

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