I basically want a php query i can add to my functions php or a plugin (widget)..
I believe you just need to add in the relevant gd fields..
(and a link to trigger this..!)
var todayDate = new Date();
var msgData = todayDate.toISOString();
var startDate = e.start.toISOString();
var endDate = e.end.toISOString();
var icsMSG1 = "BEGIN:VCALENDARrnVERSION:2.0rnPRODID:https://www.google.com/rnBEGIN:VEVENTrnUID:https://www.google.com/rnDTSTAMP:" + msgData + "ZrnDTSTART:" + startDate + "rn";
var icsMSG2 = '';
if(endDate != '') {
icsMSG2 = "DTEND:" + endDate +"rn";
icsMSG = icsMSG1 + icsMSG2 + icsMSG3;
window.open( "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(icsMSG));
Let me know how much! thanks 🙂