Neighbourhoods on maps

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    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    I’m using the neighborhood feature to manually set up neighborhood locations within regular cities. I added a city location using a google address then went back and added neighborhoods. In this case 5 neighborhoods in the same city. As I added the neighborhoods I moved the Google map pointer to the desired location of the neighborhood and stored the lat/lon since there is no neighborhood street address. This seemed to work fine with each lat/lon now stored in the multilocations > manage locations tab.

    Then I went in to create a new Place using the standard Place form. While doing this I was able to see that the Neighborhoods pop up as part of the form address field once I enter the city. This is what I’d expect.

    However, when I select the neighborhood, the pointer position in the map does not move to the neighborhood location I set earlier. The pointer remains in one place at one lat/lon (from Google?) regardless of the neighborhood I pick. This is not what I’d expect — given this is a stored Location, should it not the Place pick up the neighborhood location on the Map? I don’t want to have to reset the pointer every time I re-use a neighborhood Location, that seems to defeat the purpose. Is this an error or should I be setting something differently?

    I also noticed that when I save the Place, the Neighborhood name I selected seems to disappear from the selection on the admin page, though when I edited from the Front End, the Neigborhood field was still filled out with the correct selection. However, once viewed the summary popup on the map gives the address as “city” or in the front end Previewer as “city,city, zipcode” rather than what I would expect as “address: neighborhood, city”. Is neighborhood being carried through as a field to the Listing? Do I need to enable something?


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    Paul Henderson
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