New License Key

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  whattodo-vi 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    I’m having two problems, so let me know if I need to create two threads, but I think they are related.

    During the first week of August, we ( had two things happen: we implemented SSL, and our GeoDirectory license expired (unbeknownst to us).

    After applying the SSL certs, the Add Events page stopped working. Any link to this page now redirects to the home page. To troubleshoot, I deactivated all my plugins and reactivate them, then hell broke lose. Seems my license key had expired on August 1st.

    After working with support to renew, I now can’t seem to apply the new key. (Or is it keys? My update license area only shows Pricing Manager?) Saw a thread about adding a line of code to the 404.php to clear the old code(s), tried it, but no luck.

    Please help, we were in the middle up a big site update, and now we are dead in the water and our events are broken 🙁


    Full Member
    Post count: 187
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    let me tell you what needs to be done step by step. I believe you missed a couple of our announcements and there is also a conflict with another plugin.

    You couldn’t add events because the option to allow users to add events was disabled (design > navigation > Allow post type to add from frontend) The conflict with another plugin is here and you can see the fields arenìt displaying correctly. That said now you can add events again.

    The updates problem have nothing to do, but will cause problems soon if you don’t do the following:

    1) each product has a license key and you can find them in the your-account page.

    2) We move the auto update script out of each add-ons and made 1 plugin for all, you need to install that plugin and you can read more about it here:

    3) License keys are now added and activated in the plugins page directly.

    4) You are using an old payment manager (that’s why it is still showing in GeoDirectory >> Auto Updates / Licenses, that settings page should be gone.) You can read more here:

    After doing all these things you should be good to go.

    Let me know how it goes,



    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Thanks Paolo! Seems we haven’t been getting our emails for months. Our fault, we had an old email address in our profile, which I’ve now updated. We have the licenses and updates all squared away. Thank you for the step by step instructions.

    By the way, which plugin was causing the conflict?

    Off to my other open thread to see if I can get the Yoast Sitemap XML to work.

    Warmest regards,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Catherine,

    I’m so sorry, I’m having a neuron misfiring and I can’t remember what plugin was in conflict. (if even there was one). 🙂

    Just let us know if anything else comes up regarding this topic.



    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Hi Paolo. I didn’t notice until now, but on our events page and our places page, both the Geodirectory search bar and the sidebar are now missing?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Please open a new topic about it, this is resolved and it is about “New License Key”.

    Thank you


    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Also, the add event button is again redirecting to the home page.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Please open a new topic about it, this is resolved and it is about “New License Key”.

    Thank you



    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Okay. Opening new thread.

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