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    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    I run a geodirectory with multiple CPT that represent various categories. The directory is free for all, but I have two (similar) issues I could use help with. For most people I want the listings to goto draft form (which it does), however for certain organizations I would like them to have the ability to direct publish.

    Additionally on one directory I would like everyone to have the ability to publish immediately. I use the directory for a non-standard type use and hence have some unique challenges.

    Any information or suggestions would be a great help!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Shane,

    Are these paid or free listings or mixed?
    I don’t think there is a way to alter this per CPT, but is that what you are asking or are you asking per user?

    Please explain a bit more and i’ll be able to suggest the best action.




    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Sure… so to clarify both point.
    First all are free

    In one case I use it as a weather alert map..and I want everyone to be able to post automatically to that CPT without draft

    On the other I use it as a crime directory I want to allow police agencies the ability to post directly, but the normal people to goto draft.

    For the police issue I considered creating a package and only allowing aurthoized agencies the ability to sign up for overcome that..I haven’t gotten that far.
    My current big challenge is how to make a single CPT have a default listing as published while the others remain draft…due to the time critical nature of weather emergencies


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Ok i think this is what i would do…
    Set the default status to “Pending Review” and then add a hook on post_save that checks the conditions and sets the status publish only if met, example below (NOT TESTED):

    function _my_save_post_actions($post_id, $post, $update) {
        // if an update then bail.	
        if($update){ return;}
    	// a post type check
    	if ( isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type=='gd_place' && $post->post_status!='publish') {
    		// unhook this function so it doesn't loop infinitely
    		remove_action( 'save_post', '_my_save_post_actions', 10 );
    		// we want to publish all gd_place listings
                        'ID'    =>  $post_id,
                        'post_status'   =>  'publish'
    		// re-hook this function
    		add_action( 'save_post', '_my_save_post_actions',10, 3 );
            // a user check
            $current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
            $allowed_user_ids = array(1,5,10,20);// list of allowed user ids
    	if ( in_array( $current_user_id, $allowed_user_ids) && $post->post_status!='publish') {
    		// unhook this function so it doesn't loop infinitely
    		remove_action( 'save_post', '_my_save_post_actions', 10 );
    		// we want to publish all gd_place listings
                        'ID'    =>  $post_id,
                        'post_status'   =>  'publish'
    		// re-hook this function
    		add_action( 'save_post', '_my_save_post_actions',10, 3 );
    add_action( 'save_post', '_my_save_post_actions',10,3 );

    hopefully that example is enough to get you going 🙂




    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Stiofan, and WPGEO in general as always thank you for the excellent customer service!
    I’m not very familiar with the process of hooks, but will read up and I’m sure I can figure it out. For my clarity should this accomplish both points I was asking about or only one?


    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Just out of curiosity. .. do y’all do customization (like the above?) If so how would I go about getting a quote for it?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Shane,

    We do not do customization, we will provide you examples of how our hooks/filters work but we won’t build your site for you. You can post in the forum jobs section or try hiring a developer elsewhere.

    The above example would do both things but you would need to replace the custom post type name and the user IDs with your specific requirements.



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