New Place added, published, but not displayed?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years ago.

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  • #30647
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I just added a new “place”, it is published, but not shown in maps oder listings. What´s the reason?

    Geordirectory Framework
    GD Modern

    Place that is not been dislpayed is

    Pictures I uploaded are desapeared now! ???

    Need help! thank You!

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I think I found the problem.
    I use .mo-files translation and turned “germany” into “deutschland”. But there are 2 positions for Germany in the GD Admin (screenshootbelow). New places automaticly get “/germany/” in the URL. The System cannont find germany. Thats why it is not displaed. How to solve it?


    Post count: 29970

    Can you post your WP admin details and FTP details please.

    Free User
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    Post count: 29970

    FTP pwd is not correct it seems.

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    Post count: 29970

    It worked with the new username.
    I wanted to have a look at your PO file, but it is not there.
    Somehow you should not have 2 germany’s [that is a long time ago now that there were 2 germany’s 🙂 ]
    I have alerted Stiofan for you to have a look.

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    Post count: 29970

    Change to a .txt file, then we can change it to .po when we open it.
    There is no link …

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    Post count: 29970

    I think this might be a bug, we’ll need to wait for Stiofan.

    1. You translated Germany to Deutschland in your PO file.
    2. Then you activated that translation at GD > Multilocation
    3. That changed the slugs for all locations
    4. If you then add a new listing or location in Germany, a duplicate country is created, and the listing will not show on the frontend
    5. You can solve this by going to GD > Multilocations > Translation and translate the new duplicated country again. That will merge the countries, and the new listing will now show on the frontend.

    Step 4 and 5 should not happen.
    I have tested this on my test site, and it is the same problem.

    Over to you , Stiofan.

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hello Guust,

    I started my installation from the beginning today. There are some hardcore issues I hoped to solve within. But not!

    I already wrote to Simone about a problem that pictures uploaded are not been displayed and are not saved in the upload-folder. Only one of a bulk is uploaded and saved but cannot say why.

    Ok, the 2nd problem is the same as already written above in this thread: New listing in Germany will not show in listings after translation. Right now I have a translation from “Deutschland to deutschland” (screenshot).

    It is realy hard for me to work with that bugs. Sorry for contacting you every day. But you know it is very important for me to continue.

    Thanks a lot for all.


    PS: The login credentials are the same as you already got. the new domain is: “”


    Post count: 29970

    1. I can see 3 images uploaded to the test place, so do not understand quite what you mean. Is that issue resolved?

    2. I need geodirectory-de_DE.PO to have a look.
    Can you upload that to /wp-content/languages/geodirectory

    I need access to your database, can you post your control panel details please.

    You should not have any problem with country duplication if:
    A. do NOT add locations from “manage location” (or you will have to translate again at “translate countries”.
    B. Just add locations by adding listings, then the duplication does not happen.
    C. When uploading using CSV, use Germany as the country, not Deutschland.

    I will discuss this with Stiofan later too, it might need some tweaks to the coding.

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