No tralatable labels

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  cccpknox 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #2847

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    Post count: 13

    I have found some label tha i need to traslate

    * On detail page, in the sidebar when i am logged the label “Upgrade listing” is not in .po file.
    * On detail page, in tab map, label “Enter your location”. I found this label in a .po file but does not work, maybe should be in another line. In the file is only once time.
    * When i filter by category: label for “All places in ‘xxxxxx’” the word “All” is not traslatable.
    * On page 404 not found, all conten is not traslatable or where is the file .po to do it?


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