No way to edit image sizes in map legend?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  [email protected] 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    I’m been working all day on trying to change the image sizes of the category li in the geodirectory map legend. If I could edit the html it would take me 2 seconds, but I have no way to add a class selector or anything.. Please help, what is it that I’m missing in this theme??? Everything takes tons of digging to do anything, its crazy.. Am I missing a file or what? There is no html in wordpress, only php.. Where are all my working files at, I’ve spent days, weeks, about a month trying to do the stupidest little edits and nothing works. I hope someone can help because I’m really pulling my hair out over this… If you’re going to say use the permalink id number for the image, I changed that for SEO reasons, but no class or selector id for the images??? Where is the php that is controlling the size since the stylesheet doesn’t have anything? There is no easy navigating through this theme


    Post count: 29970

    If I understand you correctly [see image], then add this to your child theme’s style.css:

    .geodir_map_container .main_list img {height: 30px;}

    and change the size to whatever you like.


    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    thank you much 😀

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