Not showing me my homepage elements

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    Jose Rodriguez
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    Post count: 29970

    Go to
    Copy the correct license for the addon you want to update.
    See image 2.

    Go to Plugins page and enter it there, see image 1.


    Jose Rodriguez
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    Jose Rodriguez
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Jose Rodriguez
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    Jose Rodriguez
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    GeoDirectory is a plugin, not a theme. For Listimia features you would want to contact the theme author.

    I will answer your questions based on GD’s features.

    1. Autocomplete for categories and titles is a feature of the GD Search bar, and can be adjusted with the Advanced Search addon.

    2. Many custom fields can be added as Advanced Search Filters. You can read more about the specifics how they are added here:

    3. Make sure the recurring events feature is not disabled in

    WP Backend – GD – Settings – Events (tab) – Disable recurring feature?

    4. That is a feature of the GD Custom Post Types addon, to link posts together and display the linked posts.

    5. Not a voting feature, no. You can 1) encourage ratings on burger places in NYC and then make a page that shows the highest rated in NYC. You could make that a custom list for the ‘week of’ so it wouldn’t change later. You could use GD Listings to show one or more listings in a WP page.

    6. Using GD listings with tags.

    7. I can think of at least one way to do that. You will need the Location Manager addon in order to use widget logic to show a widget on a page based on the location of the page.

    8. You can certainly recommend users make use of the list manager feature to create their itineraries. Lists can be public and viewed on the frontend.

    9. Use the location manager to add listings outside of the default location.


    Jose Rodriguez
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    Jose Rodriguez
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    Post count: 29970


    We recommend using UsersWP:
    You can see an example profile/dashboard here:
    Logged in users will be able to edit their listings from there too.


    Users are users, there is no difference between people that have added a listing or not.
    You can use BuddyPress [with the GD integration addon], usersWP [with built-in integration] or just use GD by itself.
    If you add the GD Dashboard widget, then you will see the links to the relevant profile/dashboard page.

    How would i be able to set up a menu for a restaurant listing?

    You can add a “file upload” custom field, or add a HTML custom field. It depends if you want users to upload an existing menu in PDF for example, or write on.

    4) Are there 2 different options for user dashboards (business and regular user?) Can we assign levels to memberships?

    You can do that with a membership plugin, but not with GD, usersWP or Buddypress by itself.

    5) Is there a way to have a tab or section on the venue profile where it lists events assigned to that venue?

    Yes, look for the “link_post” custom fields.

    6) What I would like to do is to create a mini community and get as much user generated content as possible. Would the buddypress addon help for this? Ex: ways for people in the community to meet online / connect?

    Buddypress will not assist with that.
    You may be interested in the MultiRatings addon, which allows more interaction between listing owners and other users:

    7) Is there an addon that would allow me to add deals to listings? and display deals for all listings on a main page the way we do it for events. Right now im setting up happy hours as an event. Was wondering if you have developed another way to add, and display specials / happy hours

    You probably can achieve that with some custom field, depending what you are intending.
    There is already a default “Special Offers” custom field that may help too.

    8) is there a way to assign seo keywords etc to individual listings?

    You can add tags, and also investigate GD > Settings > Metas and Titles

    2D) Can a users can save / bookmark a listing, post or event?

    Yes, that is called favorites.

    2E) Can the user log in via social login (ex with their gmail acct)

    Yes, if you use UsersWP and the Social Login addon:


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