one site versus multisite

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Fabio Bianchi
    Post count: 29


    I read the thread with the same title here in the forum and many questions were answered. Although, there’re still one that I’m not so sure about it.

    I think it’s important to say that I never worked with a Multisite install.

    I’m thinking to start with a regular WordPress install for just one country and a blog on another WordPress install, but sharing (via plugin) the users table between these two installs).

    After a while, with more resources and conditions to sustain a better host, I plan to turn this WordPress install to a multisite, so I can have one subdomain for each country of the directory and also put the blog as part of the multisite network (and at that moment I will not need the plugin to share the users table.

    Will I lose Page Rank of the blog doing that change? If yes, can I keep the blog as a separated wp install but sharing the same users table of the multisite network?

    Is it possible, or I will face a lot of problems doing so? What do you recommend?

    Sorry for the poor English.


    Post count: 29970

    Why would you not start with multisite from the beginning then? Why plan to do it for later?


    Fabio Bianchi
    Post count: 29

    Because right now I don’t have the resources to pay a hosting plan for the Multisite network.

    I’ve read that migrating a multisite network between different hosts is tricky.

    Or am I mistaken?

    Do you think I can at least kick this off with a multisite on a shared host and then transfer it to a better host to expand the network?



    Post count: 29970

    A multisite is just another WP site with some different settings, there should be no added difference when migrating.
    See also



    Fabio Bianchi
    Post count: 29

    Thanks Guust, I got it!

    Please, I think you can close the thread.


    Fabio Bianchi
    Post count: 29

    Wait Guust!!!

    I have another question I just remembered.

    If I set up a regular WordPress install and have a few countries on the same directory, can I separate later each country on a specific subdomain?

    Another question following the subject of the thread:

    As I see things, it’s better to have just one website with all the countries on the same directory. But a network it’s a good idea in terms of scale problems and specific adaptations for each place.

    What are your considerations about that? Run on a multisite network or just one website.

    If I have the necessary specs for the server, why would anyone consider a multisite instead of a single site?

    Thanks, once more.
    (Sorry for many questions, I worked with just smaller web projects until this one.)


    Post count: 29970

    If I set up a regular WordPress install and have a few countries on the same directory, can I separate later each country on a specific subdomain?
    You will have to export all listings and re-import the relevant country ones into a new subsite.
    I don’t why you would have different subdomains for different countries, but you can.

    Personally I would just have all countries on the same site, it will be heaps less work to maintain and a lot easier for your visitors.

    You would only split a site into subsites if the traffic expected would be very high for the different sections, and would require a lot of processing for the different sections. A blog is very static, so you would not bother because of that. It would be different if you had a busy forum and a busy directory, but for a blog and a directory, the best option is just to have the one site on a good server.



    Fabio Bianchi
    Post count: 29

    Allright Guust!

    Thanks for your patience answering my questions.

    Please, close the thread.


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome 🙂

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