Open Street address population problem

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    Ian Barnes
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 91


    I have switched to Open street and works fine apart from address resolution when adding a place.

    Seems that it adds the wrong returned value into Region as compared to Googlke Maps API.

    I will explain with an example:

    I started typing Kingsdown and out of the options I selected the one in Kent and you can see the resulting image attached where region is set to England. The actual return data from the Nominatim search is below and you can see that state has the country=England which you use whilst when using the googlemaps api you would have populated the county=Kent.

    [“51.166841″,”51.206841″,”1.3827375″,”1.4227375″],”lat”:”51.186841″,”lon”:”1.4027375″,”display_name”:”Kingsdown, Kent, South East, England, CT14 8AT, United Kingdom”,”class”:”place”,”type”:”village”,”importance”:0.17888019664812,”icon”:”https:\/\/\/images\/mapicons\/poi_place_village.p.20.png”,”address”:{“village”:”Kingsdown”,”county”:”Kent”,”state_district”:”South East”,”state”:”England”,”postcode”:”CT14 8AT”,”country”:”United Kingdom”,”country_code”:”gb”}},

    Any chance this can be changed or some configuration option giving the mapping of Nominatim return values to wpgeodirctory values.



    Post count: 29970

    OpenStreetMaps is using England and Scotland etc as regions, rather than counties as Google does.
    I’ll alert Stiofan to have a look at the issue.



    Post count: 7069

    Hi Ian,

    We have fixed region problem for UK with OpenStreetMap. It will be available in next release.

    Meanwhile you can update patch from here:


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