Opening hours peculiarities

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Fernando 6 years, 11 months ago.

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    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi All

    As we are currently working through building content incl. opening hours, we encountered that some of the places have lunch breaks and special opening hours for bank holidays. From a visitor perspective it would be obviously essential to see this information. In the worst case, the place would show as “currently open” while the place actually has a lunch break and the customers stands in front of closed premises thereby diminishing value and reputation of the directory.

    From a developer perspective, I think it’s not as straightforward to implement this in a neat way, however, given the value is critical, it would be good to consider implementing this down the line to deliver accurate information to visitors.



    Free User
    Post count: 120

    Yes, I can confirm that the open hours display is NOT correct. We noticed 2 issues in this. But waiting until the new Beta Version is released today. Will report after that.


    Now testing V2.0.0.4 on Edge 41.16299.15.0, Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Official Build) (32-bit) & Firefox 59.0.1 (32-bit). Theme: Genesis.


    Free User
    Post count: 120

    Just want to add one more thing.

    You can expand the opening hours by clicking the “+” sign and add several opening hours. For instance, if you have a lunch break from 12pm to 1pm then you can have 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00 as opening hours. But due to a bug the colour of display is NOT correct. Apart from that the other major issue is that the display time is according to your server time NOT the time of the location.

    Will explain this later with screenshots.


    Now testing V2.0.0.4 on Edge 41.16299.15.0, Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Official Build) (32-bit) & Firefox 59.0.1 (32-bit). Theme: Genesis.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    @david You can add several opening/closing times per day, there is no holiday implementation yet but it is something we will consider in future.

    @fernando Opening times should be set according to the WP time offset in WP general settings, not the server time. Once location Manager is released it will try to auto guess the timezone, if not it will show a manual option for each listing.




    Free User
    Post count: 120




    Now testing V2.0.0.5 on Edge 41.16299.15.0, Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Official Build) (32-bit) & Firefox 59.0.1 (32-bit). Theme: Genesis.

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