Overwrite Enfold theme title to GD title: Minor coding?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  creativeartandsoul 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Post count: 61


    I am currently using GD with the Enfold theme. I love a lot of things about it, but I dislike the way Enfold overwrites default GD title formats. Their titles are included in a bar high on the header, but directly under the menu, and appears disconnected from the post. It’s even worse if I enable the search bar on that page (which I may want to keep). (See pic #1 & 1b.) Ick!

    Plus, it adds the title on ALL pages…like my home page which I don’t want. (See pic #2)
    Double ick.

    I would like to have the default title to each detailed listing connected to the post (see pic# 3). Ahhh, yes, See that makes much more sense!

    This issue has come up in the Enfold forums a few times and the moderator offers some fixes that are beyond my abilities at this point…

    Matt, posting in this support thread, explains it more clearly, and it is in this post they offer a fix…of sorts. http://www.kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-layout-breadcrumb-only-above-and-normal-page-headingheadline/#post-428658 And like Matt, I don’t want a shortcode for breadcrumbs, personally, I’d prefer the default GD headline title that is connected to the content…if that’s possible.

    …but if you have a better fix, then by all means, have at it.

    As for fonts, I’m using Open Sans (google fonts) & title size should be 24-26px, if that helps.

    If you are interested tackling this for me, please send me a quote.

    Thanks so much! Cheers!


    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Oops, ignore those last 3 photos…I was unable to edit them out. Ugh, and the photo titles changed on me. Sorry for the mess.


    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Here’s Another reason I need the titles fixed.
    Long titles crash & intermingle with breadcrumbs. ICK


    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Just checking in….is there any way to do this??
    If yes, is anyone interested?
    Thanks! Kris

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