I am using Enfold and adding a simple text block to show GD things.
I have this in my page:
[gd_post_title tag="h2"]
[gd_post_images type='slider' ajax_load='true' slideshow='true' show_title='true' animation='slide' controlnav='1' ]
The result is this:
<section class="av_textblock_section " itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
<div class="avia_textblock " itemprop="text">
<p> <br> </p> <------------------ P with break inserted by GD
<div class="geodir-post-title">
<h2 class="geodir-entry-title">
My Title Here
<br> <------------------ Break inserted by GD
<div class="geodir-post-slider">
Slider here
<p></p> <------------------ P inserted by GD
So that extra inserted paragraphs and line breaks are causing my style to break.
The title is pushed down, etc…
Bug? How to fix it?
* Of course this does not happen with any other content, so GD is the one inserting that.