Hi there.
Just wondering if you can help.
Here is my scenario….
I have created a membership site using Memberpress for users to sign up to.
I have made up 6 different prices and payments options (package_id=1 – 6) all with varying and increasing better options.
I have made 6 pages for 6 membership options (/membership_1, /membership_2 etc )and in each page have placed in the appropriate [gd_add_listing] shortcode. ( i.e [gd_add_listing listing_type=gd_event&package_id=2] goes in page /membership_2 )
This then gives me the URL for example :- https://mysite.com/membership_2/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_event&package_id=2 (all well and good so far and works fine)
Im then adding content protection (using Memberpress) to each page so only the specific membership type can see a specific page. i.e a person with a type 2 membership only has access to https://mysite.com/membership_2 and is blocked from say https://mysite.com/membership_3 )
The issue is, that if a user has a membership level of ‘2’ then they can have access to https://mysite.com/membership_2/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_event&package_id=2.
But what happens is the protection only works for part of the URL? i.e. this part is locked :- https://mysite.com/membership_2/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_event) BUT the last part of the URL ‘&package_id=2’ seems to be editable?
i.e if a user manually changes the url from &package_id=2 to &package_id=3, then the form, while still being inside /membership_2 , now shows all the better options from membership package ‘3’ ?? (hope that makes sense)
This is obviously no good at all.
So my question is, is there any way of either locking the package_id or hiding/ removing it from the URL so i cant be changed?
Thanks in advance.