Page reloading when filling form

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #360957

    Adeniyi Omikunle
    Expired Member
    Post count: 56


    We have an issue reported by one of our customers. Please see below:

    …, sorry, I’m really getting frustrated with this. It’s the 8th time that I click in a field to fill it in, and the page starts reloading automatically, causing loss of all the information provided before. I thought of at least getting to the point where I can submit by only filling in the compulsory fields at least and updating the rest later, but I do not even get through those.

    …., I’ve tried another browser. Same happened twice.
    Did even manage to complete the first time, but the preview led me to an error page. Updating it all again, reloaded again automatically, all input lost again. Giving up for today….

    Below are some questions we asked the users and her replies:

    US: This is strange. I just tried the whole process again and I did not encounter this problem. The page should not refresh merely by clicking a field.

    USER: But it did. And 10 times refilling, really is no fun at all, in particular if there’s still no positive outcome after all!

    US: Was she using a PC or an handheld device?
    USER: PC.

    US: What kind of browser was she using?
    USER: Google Chrome at first, then Internet Explorer.

    US: What error message was she getting?
    USER: When page reloaded, no error message, it only referred me back to the starting page with the selection for basic or premium. This was the same for all of those 8 attempts on GC and IE. With Internet Explorer, I was able to fill it in until the end, but then had to press the preview button, as there was no option to even save it, and it got me to an error page, stating that the requested page or operation can’t be processed (or similar, can’t exactly remember the wording).


    The strange thing is that we cannot replicate this issue ourselves. Can you assist with resolving this issue?


    Post count: 29970

    If users change a different price package, then the page will re-load to present the options for that package. If they entered any data before changing paqckages, then they will have to start again.

    “When page reloaded, no error message, it only referred me back to the starting page with the selection for basic or premium.”
    That suggests that maybe they clicked on preview before entering all the compulsory fields, which scrolls the page to the top to show all errors for correction.
    If they then choose a different package, then they will wipe their work.

    Have you set a default price package? Or is there no price package pre-selected. You need to have a default package.

    Send us URL and WP admin details in a private reply if we need to check things. And a direct link to the form the user was using.


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