Thanks, I’m just not sure I understand. I feel like you’re saying I need to use “GD>Listings shortcode on normal pages” after equating the homepage to a “regular page”. So, it sounds like you’re saying the GD>Listings works on the homepage, which is what I’m using.
I am using the GD>listings shortcode. Is that the same thing as a loop shortcode or is that something different? You’re saying the GD>Listings only works in normal pages after saying loop shortcode does not work on the homepage or any other regular page.
Everything is working fine accept the way the pagination (if that’s what that’s called, the numbers at the bottom).
I recreated it just to make sure that I was using the Listings shortcode. It still behaved the same. I just realized I didn’t provide a link, sorry, it was late and I was super tired: