What seems to have happened is this…
I down loaded the Events CSV file.
When I uploaded it again after some small text changes in event profiles for one of two events.
> All events not published when downloaded had their dates overwritten and were given dates equating to the day of the re-upload.
> For some published events, the dates were changed such that the day became the month. Like the difference between UK formnat and USA format dates.
I wonder if this is an issue from the change from GeoDirectory V1 to V2. Maybe these ones were entered in the V1 Geodirectory ? The change did not affect very recently added events. I am not sure where the exact cut off was / what was added before and after my V1/V2 update.
Anyway, I have spent today undoing the changes. 🙁
I am now very scared to use the CSV download.
Can you guys think what may have happened and how it can be avoided ?