I am exploring the process from accepting payments to having listings going live, and have a few questions.
1. Currently, a listing is submitted with pre-bank transfer chosen, I can then go to Prices & Payments > Invoices and change the Status of the invoice to Confirmed. This does not make the listing live, and I have to go to the list of posts for that CPT, click Edit or Quick Edit for each particular post and change it from Draft to Published. This seems a lot of actions to get it live – do I have GD set up correctly?
2. For Stripe payments (which I haven’t started testing yet), I would like to set it up so that the listings go live once the payment is submitted – I can then go through and check submitted listings later to see they are ok, with no delay to the person who has paid for the listing to go live. Is this possible?
3. Ideally I would like all paid listings to go live once they are submitted – even where pre-bank transfer is used – is this possible?