Paypal checkout not working

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    Luis Cardenal
    Free User
    Post count: 2

    I’m trying to launch my directory web page. When I add a listing and try to go to procced to check out on paypal, it says I cant “Esta función solo está disponible para las cuentas Premier y Empresas.” The only button available after this is the “Regresar a comercio PayPal”. If you click on it, it takes you to ” ” and it says transaction failed.

    I created a new user and tried it again and had the same results. After I get sent to the transaction failed page, I have to fill in all of the add listing fields again to try and submit the listing again eventhough I can see it as a draft from as an administrator.

    Can you help me with both problems? Why cant people pay for their listings and why cant they see their own draft listings from the front end?

    Thanks in advance


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