Plan for App – plug & play?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  gruppopegaso 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Heather L
    Post count: 62

    Hi, I am currently redesigning my directory with apps in mind. Do you know at this point if the apps will be ready-to-use plugins with single site or multisite and if they will be compatible with any themes in particular? I know next to nothing about app development and how it works.

    The main reason I ask is that I need to know if I will need to hire a developer/designer because I have a deadline of August 12 to submit a proposal for a student app development opportunity.



    Post count: 29970

    I have alerted the developers to have a look at your question.


    Heather L
    Post count: 62

    Thanks, Guust.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Heather,

    It will not matter what theme you use, the apps will pull info from an API.
    More than likely the apps will only be single site compatible and not multisite (will work from a single multisite site)

    I hope this helps?




    Heather L
    Post count: 62

    Yes, it does help, Stiofan. The remaining question is whether I will need a developer.

    Will I be able to submit these apps to the app stores out of the box or will I need to use something like PhoneGap?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Heather,

    The idea is to make it as simple as possible, hopefully you wonn’t need a developer and will be able to follow the instructions, however for iOS a mac will be required but we may offer publishing services. We want to make it as simple for you as we can! 🙂



    Heather L
    Post count: 62

    That is good news! Thank you, Stiofan.


    Kristina Rutherford
    Post count: 29

    That’s fantastic news, do you have an idea of when it will be released. I’d be keen to know what info I can give to my customers.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    it is still in the making and it’s too early for a release date.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 85

    Hi Paolo i’m managing the transfer to GeoTheme to GeoDirectory, a long way as you can imagine for a production site used and promoted, do you think that in first quarter of 2017 we can see a beta?
    Thank you, wpgeodirecotry is a very good piece of software


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    I sure hope so!

    Once we finally release the new invoicing system, Apps will become the main focus of 2 developers. As soon as they’ll be able to do that, it shouldn’t take an extremely long time…



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 85

    Great to know. It’s only my idea but i think will be fine to make the app perfect.
    I used and actually using GeoTheme’s App and one of the problem is that some useful options aren’t developed with a focus on a use on real environment. On the real market.

    So why not create a section in the forum only for the APP to start to get requests (and evaluate them) about his functions and layout from GD users? To make the work only one time and make the app universal. We have a large directory on our city with GT and we are working to pass to GD when APP is ready.

    Thank you

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