Please choose an address of the (NV) region only

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  James Barker 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    James Barker
    Full Member
    Post count: 91

    I did some searching on this and checked my settings against the installation process and believe everything is set correctly. I had one item show out of place in a search due to a wrong # in its longitude. When I went to edit the listing, I kept getting the “Please choose an address of the (NV) region only.” It kept popping up no matter if I tried to move the marker or type in a new address which is clearly in the region so I kept refreshing the page and trying again as closing it resulted in it popping up again. The only way I was able to set the marker was to refresh the page, clear all the fields (the lat/long, street address, and reset the city to I forget exactly – select a location or something.) From there I was able to enter the correct lat/long and then re-enter the address and save it.

    In multi-locations, I have the region set to enable default region as I have no listings outside of Nevada (NV). Under city, I have enabled Multicity. If I tried setting the address on the map, I would still get the “Please choose an address of the (NV) region only,” despite using whatever address populated in the field from Google (which used NV, by the way.)

    I resolved my other issue with the Geocode error earlier today by generating a new Google Maps API key. This happened afterwards which leads me to think it’s a glitch in the Matrix.




    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    What region is showing when you choose a new address?

    You have only default region enabled? Maybe choosing multiple regions or selected regions will work better for your case. Let us know in a private reply if you want us to check the settings.


    James Barker
    Full Member
    Post count: 91

    NV was showing with the correct address, that’s why I couldn’t figure out why it was getting hung-up with the pop-up over and over again.

    I tried changing the setting as you suggested and it seems to work while putting in a new entry and then editing it from both the front and backend (and I noticed it populates the neighborhood based on the map automatically regardless if I have them in the database or not which is nice. In fact, the one that popped up wasn’t even on the map and I had never heard of it. Sure enough, when I googled it, it outlined a small neighborhood the size of a block around it.)



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