On this page: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/geodirectory/page-design/#template-pages
It says:
GD Archive template
Controls the overall layout of “archive” pages, like category listing pages where multiple “GD Archive Item template” (listings) are displayed.
Always display one post type at a time.
There is a default template, and each CPT may have a unique template, too, configured in the CPT Advanced Settings.
**Where can I learn how to create this unique template for each CPT?
Please direct me.
GD Archive Item template
Controls the layout of “GD Archive Items” which are the tiny box listings that appear on Archive pages or shortcode/widget output.
Always display one post type at a time.
There is a default template, and each CPT may have a unique template, too, configured in the CPT Advanced Settings.
**Where can I learn how to create this unique template for each CPT? Please direct me.
Thanks for your continued support.