Post listing submitted vs Listing published email

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years ago.

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    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    I’ve been tailoring the emails sent out when a user publishes a listing. Could you explain how the Post listing Submitted Email differs from Listing published email?

    During tests a user submitted a new listing which was automatically published (I can’t find an option to prevent auto listing although I’ve seen mention of it). Rather than receiving the Listing Published Email they received the Post Listing Submitted email (I’d changed the Post Listing email content under ‘Client’ in Messaging).

    Under what circumstances should these different emails be sent?

    Many thanks guys


    Post count: 29970

    1. To prevent auto-publishing: GD > Design > Listings tab > New listing default status > DRAFT

    2. If set to automatically publish, the “Post submit success to client email” is not used, only the “Post submit success to client email”.

    3. If set to draft as first status, the “Post submit success to client email” is sent on submission, and the “Post submit success to client email” is sent when the listing is approved.



    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150

    Hi Guust,

    1. Briliant thank you.

    2 & 3
    It might be a typeo but in both examples you use the same version of the email “Post submit success to client email”

    Did you mean:

    2. If set to automatically publish, the “Listing Published success to client email” is not used, only the “Post submit success to client email”.

    3. If set to draft as first status, the “Post submit success to client email” is sent on submission, and the “Listing Published success to client email” is sent when the listing is approved.


    Post count: 29970

    Correct, my mistake.


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150

    OK thanks. That is what I am seeing.

    As a suggestion would it not be better for the auto published users to receive the Listing Published email, not the Post Submitted email?

    So Auto published: Listing Published email
    Not auto published: Post submitted THEN Listing Published

    That way you can say in the Post Submit email something like “Thanks for your submission, we’ll email you when it has been approved”

    And in the Listings published email “Yay, your listing has been published”


    Post count: 29970

    Your emails should reflect your draft/publish setup, and the submission email is fired on submission, regardless of the draft/publish status. That cannot be changed. If you only fire an email on publishing, you cannot then fire one on submission; but you can do it the other way round.


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150

    I’ve been thinking from a user experience point of view. Do you mean that technically, when the user presses the Submit button the system sends the post submit email without knowing if it is published or waiting approval? The submit button is dumb for want of a better word?

    Sorry I might be being very thick.


    Post count: 29970

    Correct, the system sends the submission email when a user submits a listing.
    No published email will be sent if the listing is not published at a later stage. So if submit and publish is simultaneous, only one email will ever be sent.
    The submit button is just that, a submit button, and it sends the listing to the database, and the submission email is sent too, and then the database checks whether it holds it in draft or publishes it, depending on your setting. All in a split second of course.
    So yes, the button is not that smart, it is your setting in the database that decides to publish or not.


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150

    Great. Thanks for being patient. There are so many seemingly unrelated but
    interconnected bits it helps to understand exactly how something works.


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome 🙂

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