Problem fiilling out new fields for a custom post-tlype

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    I guess I don’t understand exactly how to fill one of the items when
    creating a new custom post-type.

    The line item in question is ‘default Value’

    “Default Value- Enter the default value, this will be used for the Link text.”
    and exactly what is meant by ‘link text’ in this case?

    In every case, I have given this ‘default value’ the same text as my ‘front end title’ — Apparently this in not correct. Now I find that if a past
    listing has not updated the listing then the detail page shows the repeated word or phrase.

    For example, if the Front end title was Warranty, then the detail page shows
    warranty warranty. Once the listing is upgraded it then properly shows
    warranty – Yes

    If the question was: Do you provide a warranty? How should I rephrase the questions or enter the default value so the detail page doesn’t show this redundancy?

    I’m sure this is as clear as mud.


    Post count: 29970

    If I understand you correct, then this is the answer. I am assuming you have created a SELECT custom field.
    You can leave the default value empty.
    Make the field “required” and set your options, for example “Yes, No”.
    The default value is for other types of fields, and the default value will only be used as text linking to a URL if you choose a URL custom field.

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