Problems with pictures after changing to https

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Dear Supporters,

    some days ago i changed from http to https. After a lot of work every pages seem to be secure. Thats ok for wp, but not with all of the gd pages. Some of the pages are listed now with https some not and the pictures of the places won

    t be found allthoung still indexed in the google picture search. Do i have to wait for google ore ist there anything i have to do because some of the top placed pictures (places from 1 to 6 for example) disappeard actually from the index. Ore if they still exist, after clicking to the link, the picture won

    t be found on my side but it exists.

    Best regards


    Post count: 188

    You can set up a rule in the .htaccess file to forward all http:// links to https:// equivalent, that should help. I don’t know the exact syntax, but if you google it you should find it easily.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    Please use this plugin:
    Search for “” replace with “”




    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Hi Jeff, thx for your tip. After reading it i controlled my htaccess et voila: there has been a syntaxerror in the 301 redirect to https, so it dont have worked the last days.

    And Stiofan, thank you too for your inforamtion. After changing i installed the insecure content fixer. It is a little emberassing (not your answer), that some pictures are indexed and some not. For example: The both one on top are great. The same results are realized for another search with 3 or 4 pictures in the top ten, but they disappeard completly. They are no more indexed. Think i have to wait, until they will appear again?

    With best regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That’s entirely up to Google, we can’t control what the index and what they don’t.


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