profanity filtering and reporting & listing updates

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jkirker 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 310

    1) I am looking for a quote for the following things;
    I need all comments to be filtered for keywords (set by me) and if they contain profanity i wish for them to be automatically marked as a draft or pending review (or if possible for the keyword to be marked with asterisks *).
    I also need the same to be done with listings.

    2) I would like to add a REPORT button to each review, and if a user reports it it would be marked as a draft..

    3) currently once a user posts a listing i have to approve it, however, if the listing is edited it goes live straight away. I would like to be able to review all updates to listings and approve them and; if when a user updates a listing, for the original listing to stay active, until the new listing is approved!

    Please quote for each individually and as a whole project!


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Let me know if you get anyone to do these. These are all important features and I’d be willing to split costs. They just need to be built in such a way that the changes don’t fork the version so that core updates aren’t an issue down the road. At the end of the day I’d even be happy to either contribute the code to the core or offer them as plugins for purchase if we have someone to manage ongoing dev and squash bugs.

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