Profit Buiilder styling problem when GD booster is activated

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  • #220955

    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Support team,

    I need your help to solve an issue by using the Profit Builder and GD booster plugin which causes issues (CSS & JS Styling problem when GD Booster is active).

    I need your additional help in a CSS & JS GD Booster Cache problem. It is about my landing pages where I use “profit builder” plugin. But switching on the GD Booster then destroy the text styling. I need your help to find out which “profit builder” JS and CSS files I need to be excluded within GD Booster settings to solve this problem. I tried by searching the source code and used files from there but without success.

    Here are more details (Url / Screen Shots)
    – URL >
    – Screen Shot (GD Booster inactive) >
    – Screen Shot (GD Booster active) >
    – GD Booster Settings to add files to exclude >

    Please help to solve that issue too.

    Just for your info, to enable a short solution my developer has added following code in our child themes style.css.

    .pbuilder_droppable .pbuilder_module .frb_bullets_wrapper li {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    color: #fff !important;
    display: block;
    margin: 0 0 2px;
    padding: 3px 10px 5px;

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