Proper Install AVADA 3.7.4 and GD 1.4.1

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Read through all the forum re AVADA and instructions that have been posted over time up to current, leaves me with piecemeal and perhaps inaccurate instructions. I’ve installed and restored a couple times now so thought it time to confirm.

    1. Ignore that GD Avada child exists – forget it, obsolete. Done

    2. Use GD Core 1.4.1 where AVADA support to extent possible is included within core plugin. Done

    3. Install AVADA and AVADA Child (included in Full_Package). Done

    4. Gets unclear here…

    Some instructions say to create and edit “clean” header.php

    Other instruction say copy header.php from parent into Avada Child. Some of us think clean means to create a new file named header.php. Some think a copy from Avada could be the “clean” file.

    Still elsewhere it say to get a file from GD/ThemeCompatability/Avada/export (is it import or export we should plan to do? If we export whatever it is that exports, what do we do with it? Is it a code snippet or a new header.php. What about all the other txt boxes of code below that?

    Do we still manually modify header.php in child?

    5. If still need to modify header.php manually (in child theme) the text strings to search for are not exactly as shown in example

    Possible we could have one more step (C) in examples?
    A. search for this
    B. Replace that string with his
    C. After which the complete section between the { } should look EXACTLY like this…

    We’re stopping the reinstall until we know proper steps. Just installed AVADA clean again but not going further than Preview until we find more. Oddly, in preview the home page GD map looks fine, on activation (prior attempts), home page GD map goes missing.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    4) you need to copy header.php from the Avada theme into the Avada Child Theme.

    5) I just verified with the latest version available of Avada and 1 string isn’t exactly as shown in the example but the difference is minimal and there is only 1 div with id=main.

    In any case i’ve corrected the doc and I’m reporting here the line numbers where the code to be changed can be found.

    avada_current_page_title_bar( $c_pageID );

    Line 1458

    <div id="main" class="clearfix <?php echo $main_class; ?>" style="<?php echo $main_css; ?>">

    Line 1555



    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Ok, will pay close attention. And as for the page GD/ThemevCompatability/Avada/export is theme compatability page to be ignored? can’t find any docs on subject.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Success with the clarity. (without knowing what to do with the (gd/Themes Compatability/Avada) but still curious.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    nothing to do there, if Avada is selected you are all good.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 155

    if Avada is selected you are all good…

    Could you please clarify where the Avada should be selected? I don’t see it in the compatibility theme dropdown list as on the attached screenshot. At the same time the file “” in Downloads says “Discontinued. Plugin is no long necessary.”


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    PLease go to GD Tools and run the “Clear all GD Version numbers” script. That will run the upgrade script again and automatically pick up the theme used.

    Let me know,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 155

    Yes, that worked, thanks! Still I got a PHP warning as described here.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211
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