Question about importing. longitudes/latitudes

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  DesignGuy 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Post count: 32

    Is there a way to import without knowing longitude and latitude? Alternatively do you know of a service that will find bulk longitudes and latitudes?

    If I have to go and look them up individually, it would take longer than adding the places in directly.

    Certainly the few posts I have added manually the plugin does a great job of finding places just by adding the address/


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    making the plugin search lat and long for each listing during a bulk upload would make the import incredibly slower.

    Both wesbite listed in the Import/Export documentation will help you retrieve bulk lat and long coordinates from a list of addresses.

    Thank you


    Post count: 32

    Neither do it as bulk. They do it individually. It’s a pain. I would rather the ability to then go through add add the latitude and longitude on a post by post basis.

    Although to be honest I don’t mind how long it takes for the import to work so long as it does. For 100 restaurants or 100 hotels to go and look up those longitudes and latitudes and then add them to the spreadsheet is time consuming anyway and I would rather my server took the load. Even if it meant I could only upload 10 at a time.

    Can I turn this question into a feature request? I can’t be the only person who thinks finding longitudes etc is a pain.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’ve been using that website since 2011.

    Please go here:

    1) Input one address per line in the input field (copying from a CSV file it will get them correctly)

    2) Click the Geocode button

    3) Copy the list that appeared in the outup field with all the lat and long coordinates and paste it directly into your csv file.

    The CSV import has been built to allow members to import thousands of records, we must keep it as fast as possible.

    Especially because there are other services providing this kind of data.

    Thank you


    Post count: 32

    Thanks. This worked perfectly. Might be worth adding this post into the documentation. Would have saved me quite a lot of time if it had been there.


    Post count: 29970

    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Justin, we have many rural areas without street numbers and found a solution using google docs for data entry rather than wrestling with the GD map pin.

    We create a google doc spreadsheet form using the gd_fieldname headers used on our site. lat/long we obtain from google maps (right click map pin for “whats here” displays lat/long which is copy/pasted into form.

    When form completed, this field and any others can be parsed the combined fields into 2separate lat/long fields. saves a lot of time in data entry and all of the geo data can be dealt with in one pass and import 1000 without hiccup. This parsing works for other fields where you may want to pull a nugget of info from a string.

    What may seem like extra work has dropped our data entry time by 60% not wrestling with map api in GD (for our site). Average person can now search, find and enter 20 sites per hour including 20 data elements

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