Hi Kiran – here is the response from bringing this matter to their attention
Hi Wesitu,
Thank you for the details. Can you please point me to the geodirectory plugin page? Is it available on wp.org?
I am not sure why the Geo directory team can not enqueue their own version of select2. They can either register their handle at higher priority of deregister and register their own. Both approach will work fine.
I am not including the full because this plugin does not need the full version. Please see the difference and recommendation on select2 site
Here is what they say about selec2.full.js
You should only use this build if you need the additional features from Select2, like the compatibility modules or recommended includes like jquery.mousewheel
We don’t need it and that’s why we don’t include it.
Also, It does not seem they are interested in solving it, so I will point my usage here
We do register the “select2” handle but only load the script conditionally on front end user registration, user profile edit on front end and user profile edit inside the dashboard.
If the script is being loaded on their post type from our code it simply means we have a conflict on the name of handle and since they need the full js, they can easily solve it by registering their script early.
Please let me know their response. I am hoping that they can register early and resolve it.