Re-ordering Linked CPT "projects" tab

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 6

    Hi, I am unable to re-order tabs, specifically the linked CPT tab.

    So i have the default post type and a new CPT called “projects” that links to the default post type which i am trying to place above the reviews tab.

    I can re-order all of the tabs except this new one called projects. below is the code i used:

    // this is the snippet that adds the filter, calling the function below. 
    add_filter('geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend', 'geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend') ;
    // this is the function that does the re-ordering that we call with the add filter snippet above.
    function geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend($tab_array)
     // here you can modify the array and re-arrange tabs as you wish, you can create a completely new array too.
        // this is the post profile tab, by default is the 1st
             $new_tab_array['post_profile'] = $tab_array['post_profile']; // set in new array
             unset($tab_array['post_profile']);//unset in old one
        // this is the post info tab (optional for custom fields), by default, if available, is the 2nd.
             $new_tab_array['post_info'] = $tab_array['post_info'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['post_info']);//unset in old one
        // this is the images tab, by default is the 3rd
             $new_tab_array['post_images'] = $tab_array['post_images'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['post_images']);//unset in old one
        // this is the video tab, appears only if there are videos and by default is the 4th
             $new_tab_array['post_video'] = $tab_array['post_video'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['post_video']);//unset in old one
        // this is the speacial offer tab, appears only if there are special offers and by default is the 5th
             $new_tab_array['projects'] = $tab_array['projects'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['project']);//unset in old one
        // this is the speacial offer tab, appears only if there are special offers and by default is the 5th
             $new_tab_array['special_offers'] = $tab_array['special_offers'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['special_offers']);//unset in old one
        // this is the map tab, by default is the 6th
             $new_tab_array['post_map'] = $tab_array['post_map'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['post_map']);//unset in old one
        // this is the review tab, by default is the 7th, but here we moved it to position 1.
             $new_tab_array['reviews'] = $tab_array['reviews'];// set in new array
             unset($tab_array['reviews']);//unset in old one
        // this is the related listing tab, it is optional and by default is the 8th
            $new_tab_array['related_listing'] = $tab_array['related_listing'];// set in new array
            unset($tab_array['related_listing']);//unset in old one
        // now we set any remaining tabs that have not been assigned an order
        foreach($tab_array as $key=>$tab){
            return $new_tab_array ;

    Appreciate your support on this.,

    Kind regards,


    Post count: 29970

    Please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply and we will have a look.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 6
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 7069

    Hi Marwan,

    I have changed “projects” to “link_business” in php inserter > your custom code and now it is working fine.


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