Read more on details page

This topic contains 17 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    I have created two similar listings, but one with ‘read more’ link automatically but the other doesn’t. pls see attached.
    could you pls advise how to get ‘read more’ link there always?

    listing page is here

    thank you


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    please provide credentials and we will verify, it should be doing it for all listings automatically.

    Let us know,



    felix gao
    Post count: 77
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    This looks like a bug with multibytes characters, it seems like it is unable to count them.

    I asked to the developers to check and fix it.

    We’ll let you know asap.



    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    thank you very much!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    This is the developers reply:

    I checked and don’t see any problem in listing description for chinese characters. Please see there is already “read more” for “stoney creek school” listing description.
    The listing description trimmed by using WP function wp_trim_words() (@see On site current setting for “Description word limit” is 50 words, and as per this settings the description with chinese characters are trimmed correctly.

    Basically you need to reduce the words number.



    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    hi paolo,
    may I know where to change the ‘words number’?
    Has your developer change any of the code? as I found the description display is different as the screenshot (and I did not change anything on my side for these two days)
    and also, I created one new school Appleby and entered my excerpt, unfortunately, excerpt does not show up.
    Could you help confirm?

    thank you


    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    i just did a quick test on other schools, all excerpt does not show up. this feature works on last week as I had made a few test.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    He didn’t change anything, the excerpt is auto created from the content text only. We don’t use (never did) the excerpt field from the backend.



    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    hi paolo,
    you mentioned “Basically you need to reduce the words number.”, could you pls advise how to do that? I found the excerpt only shows a few chars for english and nothing to show up for chinese character.
    pls see attached. thank you!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    you can find the “Description word limit” option in GeoDirectory >> design >> listings.

    Let us know if that helped.



    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    i updated to 5000, it still the same. i guess something wrong goes here.. pls see attached.
    Could you pls take a look on this?
    thank you!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    actually it appears that the excerpt field it is used.

    You had 2 listings with it and 1 not. Now I removed it from all and set the excerpt at 500 words and this is what you get:

    Let us know,



    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    hi paolo,
    i really appreciate you really take look into this issue. but I did not really understood what you mean.
    basically, i did a testing and issue still same.
    on this page,
    1. I add excerpt on the first listing, it shows empty on listing page
    2. on 2nd listing, there is no excerpt and description limit sets to 500, but it shows 22 chars.

    neither of them makes sense. Did i misunderstand anything? from my point of view, it seems mulfuction for excerpt and description chars counts.
    pls advise.
    thank you very much!
    FYI, with your support, this project is almost there !!


    felix gao
    Post count: 77

    i just found something might be helpful for you debug: i am using shortcode for this listing page, and excerpt not working

    and when I do the search, the listing of results shows right excerpt

    Are they different in terms of displaying description and excerpt?

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