recurring invoices for bank transfer

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236

    Hi there,
    in my directory clients can book a listing package for one year, they only payment mode is pre-bank transfer, since this mode finds the highest acceptance in this sector.

    Now I am trying to find a way to have it like this:
    If the client does not cancel his listing until one week before expiration, the listing automatically renews for one more year and the client automatically receives the new invoice (to be paid by bank transfer) for the following contract period.

    So far I am not quite sure how to achieve this and have a few questions:

    1) How can a client cancel (not delete) his listing so that with expiration of the listing the contract ends. In the front-end I cannot find any cancellation button.

    2) In September Guust wrote about recurring invoices (see attached screenshot). Yes, also my clients do receive notifications that their listing is going to expire soon or has epxired. But so far, no invoices are issued autmatically after expiration. How can I make the system issue a new invoice if the listing/contract is not cancelled by a certain date? And where can I set the date/cancellation period?

    3) In Germany (maybe even entire EU?) it is a rule by law that on any invoice for any kind of service, the time period of the service must be indicated in the invoice. Which means that the item description must not only be the name of the package but also indicate the time from … until .. the listing is valid/online. Only number of days is not sufficient. How can I add the contract period to my invoices?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help and patience.


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    Birgit Wilde
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