I have reviewed the documents at https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/addons/pricing-manager/
My question is.. if I have 3 price plans, gold, silver, bronze.. and i want to offer gold for $9 a month or $100 a year and silver for $5 a month or $55 a year and Bronze $3 / mo or $32 / year is there a way to give the purchaser different options when they or making their payment?
OR… do I have to set up a Gold -monthly package, a Gold Yearly package, a silver – monthly package, silver yearly, bronze monthly, bronze yearly options.. because they are different prices.. and the subscription time is different also… monthly vs yearly… however when I set the DISPLAY order, can I set both Gold to display at 1 and both silver to display at 2 and both bronze to display at 3?
thank you