
This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi There

    Wonder if anyone else has this problem or has a fix or whether I have missed something!

    I have just completed a website for a customer and when users register they can do so without having to select the default listing type for geodirectory.

    If all they do is register their name and email at the Register screen and do not select or complete anything else then they are just registered in WordPress Users and NOT in Geodirectory under the listing category. This is going to cause a problem because you could end up with lots of users in WordPress that actually do not have a listing and are not shown in Geodirectory.

    Now, I am not sure if I have not got a setting right or whether this is actually a problem so would appreciate any feedback.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    How is it a problem, do you think?

    You have described the process correctly, that users may not complete the add-listing process.

    Indeed it does mean that there may be users in the site without a listing.


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    It is a problem because you might end up with hundreds of users clogging up the database that have nothing to do with the directory ie they have no listing.

    Also it is disconcerting to the directory owner who might ask Is there a problem with users registering? etc.

    There is also the possibility of rogue users (from less than secure plugins) and being able to spot those quickly or compare those with legitimate directory users.

    Also, logged in users can comment and review and add to blogs etc and rogue users have carte blanche to cause havoc in this respect.

    I think that if users do not complete a listing then they should not be able to register. Then you have accountability from both the Users and Geodirectory and a closed door to a possible security or spamming risk.

    Kind regards


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    I hear your points, certainly.

    If adding listing or the authenticity of the users should be restricted beyond what GD offers a membership plugin will be needed. We offer UsersWP – which allows a site manager to use an addon and manually approve/verify users on the site.

    With the current version of GeoDirectory, users must register for an account before they create a listing. Some users will no doubt fall out of the process and fail to complete a listing. With GeoDirectory V2 it is possible to see in the WP Users (list of all users) which ones are the owners of listings (and how many) so this will make it easier to remove users who don’t have a listing if that is the objective.

    With comments and reviews there is a bit more flexibility because WordPress itself allows site managers to decide if users must register. In the case that users ust register to comment/review then we have available the Re-Captcha Addon to prevent bots from registering and to cut down on bot spam. In general the idea for allowing anyone to register is to get users to create a profile and add comments and reviews on listings and showcase their list of reviews. In this case these users won’t have a listing.

    Hope that helps 🙂 And it you have more questions about GD security, just let us know.

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