Related Listings (?)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Greg McEwan Marriott
    Post count: 36

    Not sure how the related listings work??? Surely they would be listing relevant places within an X mile or km radius of the current listing? I use the multilocations extension, and if i list say a place in category in a town called Hermanus, i would sort of expect the user would like to see other places to eat in Hermanus (or be able to set a radius… not show me another place to eat in say Capw Town 200km away?


    Post count: 29970

    GD > design > detail > Relate to ?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Dear Guust, thank you!


    Post count: 29970

    Paolo, suggestion #55988:
    Add a search in the GD admin panel, that searches the whole plugin.
    For example you would go to WP admin > GD > and search for “related” and it would give a link to the page where you can change the related listings info.
    I’ve seen other plugins that have that and it greatly assist with finding stuff you know is there, have seen it before, but where was it again?
    [And would cut down on support 🙂 ]


    Greg McEwan Marriott
    Post count: 36

    not sure, what this answer means… it is not a hoax question. Related listings worked well in geotheme (see attached pic) but not in geodirectory.. @Guus have no clue what you are saying – sorry boet


    Post count: 29970

    I meant
    Go to WordPress admin panel
    Choose geodirectory from the menu on the left hand side
    Choose design
    Then choose the “detail” tab
    Then at “relate to” choose what related listings you want to show.

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