Relocating Display On Business Listing Details Page

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Giri 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    I am brand new and working my way forward. I am utilizing the latest version of Supreme Theme and latest version of Geo Directory. I installed nicely and downloaded 30 sample listings.

    Prior to building my real business listings, I am wanting to move things around a bit to create a more meaningful business listing details page display. My goal is to add, relocate, and modify various elements of the business listing details page.

    Please be so kind to inform me what files I will need to edit in order to move things around, to relocate and modify various elements of the business listing details template.

    By the way, the changes I am referring to will be universal for each and every business listing, so the changes to the template will include all post types as well as all listings in each and every category. For example:

    In the right sidebar the current address is improperly displayed for American business owners. The appropriate display of a business address here in America is as follows:

    Business Name, Inc.
    123 Easy Street
    Anytown, Wisconsin 12345
    (P) 123.456.7890
    (F) 123.456.0987
    (E) [email protected]

    I want to display the TITLE of the business listing in several places on the business listing details page, and I want to make a couple of minor changes to the Enquiry link button, tell a friend button, and add a four column footer as well.

    Please be so kind to inform me where all of the template files are located, what folder can I find the widgets, menus, and other elements of the business listing details page?

    In addition, directly below the complete mailing address in the right sidebar I want to include two additional lines of contact information:

    Secondarily, I want to add a blank space between the button under the map.


    Post count: 29970

    Welcome 🙂
    It is always a good idea to post URLs of the pages you are talking about so we can see what have done so far. You can do that in a private reply if you like, which is good for sharing WP admin details too.

    Here are some links to get you started:


    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202


    Thank you for your response. I have no link to offer because the business owner refuses to allow viewing of the project prior to live launch.

    I followed your links, but the question is more specific. Please be so kind to provide the path to find the listing details template file, and the specific file name where the listing address is displayed on the front-end so that I can modify that file code and move it to the child theme to protect those changes so I can display the listing address to my liking.

    See the attached image of your demo template to show what I seek to achieve of the listing address.

    Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    everything can be modified via actions and filters without touching templates, for example you can change the address format with this function in your child theme functions.php file:

    Giri already replied on another topic of yours about this:

    If you give us other examples with screenshots of what you need to do, we will try to point you in the right direction.

    Let us know,



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    I tested it and Giri’s code is correct and works fine if pasted at the end of the supreme’s functions.php file. Sorry, but without login details we cannot check anything.


    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    Without seeing the code used I cannot comment really, but be careful with copying and pasting any code that has quotes or double quotes in it. Make sure they are not “curly” quotes.
    If we need to check the code, please post admin details and tell us where to find the code. Thanks.


    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    HI Jimmy,

    I flagged this for Giri, he’ll reply tomorrow 1st thing, because today he is off.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    Thank you for your prompt response.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155


    For address use this css instead of filter.

    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="streetAddress"] +br {display: initial;} /* Adds a line break after the street address */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the city show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"] +br {display: none;} /* Makes the city show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"]:after {content: ", ";} /* Adds a comma and a space after the city */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressCountry"] {display: none;} /* Makes the country show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the region show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"] +br {display: none;} /* Makes the region show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"]:after {content: ", ";} /* Adds a comma and a space after the city */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="postalCode"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the postcode show */

    As far category, you may have to display category in full width if you want non truncated text.

    So try this css.

    @media (max-width: 468px) {
        .sd.home .featured-area .geodir-pcat-show, .featured-area .geodir-pcat-show {
            width: 90% !important;

    Let me know how that goes.



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Try replacing my old code with this one for address

    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="streetAddress"] {display: 
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="streetAddress"] +br {display: none;} /* Adds a line break after the street address */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the city show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"] +br {display: none;} /* Makes the city show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressLocality"]:after {content: ", ";} /* Adds a comma and a space after the city */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressCountry"] {display: none;} /* Makes the country show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the region show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"] +br {display: none;} /* Makes the region show */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="addressRegion"]:after {content: ", ";} /* Adds a comma and a space after the city */
    #gd-sidebar-wrapper span[itemprop="postalCode"] {display: initial;} /* Makes the postcode show */

    Popular category works fine when testing with desktop browser. If it doesn’t work in mobile, try increasing viewport size.

    I have used 468px. Make it 568px and try

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