Remove Post Type selector from Advanced Search widget

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    Greg Hamilton
    Free User
    Post count: 19


    I’m running the latest version of GD with all add ons as I’m a subscriber.

    I would like to know if it’s possible to remove the post type drop down selector menu from the advanced search widget.

    ie. I would like the widget to just display the ‘search for’ and ‘near’ boxes.

    The reason is that I’m using a slightly different navigation method to get from my homepage to certain pages in Geodirectory and I actually don’t need the CPT selector.

    With my main site navigation mysite/custom post type 1/ displays the GD ‘All Listings’ page for CPT 1. I want people to filter results down further within that CPT with my custom fields and there’s no need to choose another CPT (and be redirected to my site/custom post type 2 for example) because they have already navigated to the right place.

    Can it be done with a simple script insert?



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