Remove Tabs – Tabs free Issue

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #65978

    Post count: 30


    I followed this great tutorial:
    If I choose the first option, the change does not take care of settings in admin backend. In backend, I’ve switched of photo or related posts in tabs. Now with this mod, they are back.
    Rather than removing them by hand from the code, it would be great if the code checked the admin backend for the used option. Would this be possible?

    If I use the second option, the tabs are still shown – as I read this is working as intended.

    Any suggestion?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’m not sure I understand what you mean by : I’ve switched of photo or related posts in tabs. Now with this mod, they are back.

    Will you please clarify?



    Post count: 30

    Ha, sorry, there is a “f” letter missing. Of = Off 😉

    I’m modifying the page and in admin backend I have denied to show “Photos” or “Related posts” tab on detail page. However, your code does not take care of the settings, it just shows them anyway.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    …and that is what I don’t understand, I’m not aware of an option to deny showing photos for realted posts.

    What am I missing?

    Please let me know,



    Post count: 30

    Ok, let’s try it this way:
    Go to GD Directory / Design / Detail
    Next, go to the section “DETAIL PAGE TAB SETTINGS” and modify “Exclude selected tabs from detail page”. If you select here “Photo” and “Related Images” it shouldn’t be displayed any longer on the page but with the code above, it shows up again. Hope that one was better 😉


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    ok I understand now, however the function provided, it supposed to be used to remove elements and put them back WITHOUT using back end options. 🙂

    I assume you are just copying and pasting without even trying to understand the code…

    Remove this 2 lines from the function:

     <div id="geodir-post-gallery" class="clearfix"><?php
                                    echo $thumb_image;?></div>


    echo $related_listing;

    Make sure the leave the final php closing tag:


    That will do it.



    Post count: 30

    I have to admit, I tried but I can’t get it in my head. I’m not a developer and just using some bits here and some bits there and see if its working. 😉

    Your solution of course now works, thank you so much!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are welcome 🙂

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