"Renew Listing" when 1st payment hasn't been made

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    Good Faith Hope
    Post count: 66

    A user was trying to pay for a listing and the payment process was somehow interrupted. When she went back to the listing to checkout again, the package options were not shown. After she clicked Review Your Listing, the Checkout option was removed. It only said Update Now.

    I tested this myself and it is indeed confusing. After I clicked Update Now, it says the listing has been successfully submitted. It does not inform the user that a payment still needs to be made before the listing appears in the directory.

    I went to my listings page in my author profile, and it shows that the listing is not published (good) but the option is to Renew Listing instead of Checkout (not good). This is confusing, and even though I explained to the user that she would not be charged twice, she hasn’t paid for the listing. I think many users would be hesitant to click Renew Listing when they didn’t complete the payment process the first time.

    Perhaps changing the language to “Pay or Renew” could clear up some of the confusion?

    I hope my explanation itself is not too confusing.


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