Reset rating star

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Sirius 7 years, 1 month ago.

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    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163


    I have uploaded a rating image (GeoDirectory -> MultiRatings -> Overall Rating), as I wanted to check how it would look on the page.

    However, now I cant get rid of it any more / reset to default.

    Could you please advise how to change it back to normal?

    Also, would it be possible to have a gradient fill for the star instead of just one colour?

    Many thanks


    Post count: 16516

    Hi David,

    Kindly refer to this post on how to replace the overall rating icon to the default. . If you wish to have a gradient fill star rating icon, you’ll have to either download it from somewhere else or custom make one on your own.



    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Cool thanks Kor!

    I think I will have to create my own image with a gradient fill. Could you please explain how the rating star function works? It’s a bit odd and not intuitive as I would have expected. I thought I could just upload any star icon, but I think it needs to have very specific attributes. I understand there is some background color that needs to be overlaid by the star icon, so you cant use for example a transparent one and you still have to make use of one colour set in the GeoDirectory settings, so not sure a customised image would even work. I think its may even require PHP cusomisation?

    Would be really helpful to understand, so I’m aware what to be mindful in creating an icon.

    Many thanks!



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    the area outside the icon should match the page background color, and the area inside the icon should be transparent.

    PHP customization is not necessary.

    Hope that helps


    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Alex,

    It did indeed as it is in line with my understanding, partially though – I still belive it requires further customisation for a gradient fill, because in GD settings you can only choose one colour which will be reflected through the transparent middle of the icon. Perhaps it can be solved with the workaround of applying a CSS class with a gradient fill to the background..

    If anyone has any experience / thoughts on this, it would be greatly appreciated! If not I’ll do some trial & error and see how far I can get.



    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Figured it out playing around. I photoshoped the grey out of the star icon and applied css.

    For anyone trying to accomplish the same:

    CSS Code

    .geodir_RatingAverage {
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right,#36B7EA, #36B7EA, #7B63EE, #3ad4c1);

    Attached transparent star icon.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can include the PSD as an attachment too so folks can see the layers?

    There is a gradient in the PNG used in some of the themes, I think it is Supreme, to add some style to the listing title.

    In that case, the gradient is applied to the transparent area, and the color of the background shows through more s the transparency increases.

    Nice one on the CSS gradient!


    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    No layers used, just removed some of the grey so the gradient would come through better – tried uploading the psd just now but got an error that the file type is not supported for security reasons.

    Also attached an example of how it looks now – not final yet though.

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