Reviews Extension Mod Needed

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  urbanfix 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    b budd
    Post count: 50

    Site is for reviews of contractors, estimates are 40% or more reviews are false! Angies list is making a of $ by providing quality reviews!

    I am thinking when a review is done by consumer the system allows user to either or both a uploaded image of invoice or a Invoice Number and Date.

    Admin can look over and approve if billing looks valid and the review would be marked verified.
    On site we would show verified and non verified reviews!

    someone familiar with yelp would be helpful


    Expired Member
    Post count: 310

    Hi, not a developer but I was/am looking to be able to do the same thing.
    Reviewing an image each time a review was posted would take a lot of time/manpower it would also discourage users from posting them. By using an invoice number (im assuming you mean from a recipt) you personally would have no way of ensuring its valid.

    I would suggest that you use a static code, this could then, in theory be mailed to verified business owners once their listing has been approved. They could then add this to their own POS outputs such as receipts/invoices/emails .

    A user would then simply have to type the code to access the reviews tab.

    No idea how to do any of the above, but hopefully someone will pick this up!


    b budd
    Post count: 50

    love the fact someone else wants similar many minds always better than 1.
    Not clear on static code?
    There are some issues I see, some users will not be generating a receipt number. Also as I want to operate a bit like yelp. In that if you did not join as a premium member you can not reply or even see the proof of Review. If a Premium client sees the review they can then reply direct to settle situation and the bad review could be settled and removed if everyone agrees.

    Not sure I have it all mentally worked out. Look forward to comments.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 310

    I didnt actually mean to use the word static i just couldnt think of anything else haha,
    Basically id have it so a code is generated for the listing, and anybody who wanted to right a review would need that specific code. rather than a different code for each user.

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