If I do not to install “search addon”, when user introduces a CITY into the field “NEAR” (field into the SEARCH BAR of widget GD SEARCH), user is redirected to the “search page” where is showed all the listings included into the X radius (where X is a default value setted from administrator). Ok, it is well.
After to install “search addon”, when user introduces a CITY into the field “NEAR” will be opened a dropdown windows with the CITY (if it existes in my Data Base). If user to do click in the city showed in the dropdown windows annd select a BIG RADIUS (for example 320 km), user is redirected to the “search page” where only are showed the listings into located in the city selected and the RADIUS BUTTON do not run.
For example, if in my page http://infocity.website/lugaresdeinteres/ I search in GIRONA and I introduce a RADIUS of 320 km, only will be showed the listing located in GIRONA city (1 listing), and the other listings near 10 km, or 20 km or 60 km are not showed.
I do not know if it is an error, or if it is just like the developer want to run geodirectory.
I hope it is an error… From my experience when an user search some listings into a determinated radius (for example 30 km) next to GIRONA city, it does the following:
1. Introduce Girona in the “NEAR FIELD”
2. It sett the radius in 30 km
User are thinking it is searching listing into a radius of 20 km centered in GIRONA city and located in GIRONA city or into the cities netx to GIRONA. But it seems that if it do that, only will be showed listings into GIRONA city.
If it is not an error, I`d like to do running GD SEARCH just when GD search was not installed (do not city filter, but only radius filter centered in the city). But I need GD SEARCH installed for the others feature like categories filter, and date filter for events, so I can not desinstall GD SEARCH.
If it is not an error,is there a way for to do the following?
Let GD SEARCH ADDON installed
Let user introduce a City
Let user select a radius
To Show listings into the city and into the others cities next that are into the radius selected.
Can you provide some code?
Thanks a lot for your support.
If it is the correct mode to runing, my question is: why user can set the max RADIUS of 320km? There is no city with this radius…