Search all listing created by user/owner

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Abdelaziz Noor El Din 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Abdelaziz Noor El Din
    Expired Member
    Post count: 97

    How to add new search filter to show all listing from user/owner.
    It should be as a drop down menu contain users/owner names and when choose one it will show all listing created by this user/owner.
    For ex. If a visitor like to search all apartments for sale listing by a specific real estate agency, he/she should be able to choose he real estate agency name from a drop down menu contain all users(non-claimed)/owners (claimed) and the search results all listing created by that agency.

    Please advise.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Tt could be done with a custom select field.

    For example, you could add a CPT called properties, then, to that CPT add a custom field ‘agency’ and add the names of the agencies there, then select from them.

    Then you would use advance search to show that field as a select field in the search bar.


    Abdelaziz Noor El Din
    Expired Member
    Post count: 97

    How this suppose to be a solution??
    Do you think after adding CPT with agency I should go to each list and add the owner/user name in this CPT..I have over 600 listing ..Or you expect the user to do that…how it will look like if I ask user to add his own user name in a CPT each time he is adding a list?
    You should have search by user and retrieve all related listing as result.
    what i’m asking for is a basic search feature. Please provide a logic solution


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The way we do it is with Franchises or Linked Posts.

    Add CPT “Agency”
    Add CPT “Property”
    in proeprty CPT add “Link Posts: Agency”
    In tabs settings for Agency add “Link Posts from propert”

    That will show a list of all the agencies properties on their listing.


    Abdelaziz Noor El Din
    Expired Member
    Post count: 97

    Hello Alex,
    Thank you but this solution has nothing to do with search. Visitor should be able use the main search to search for agency (user/business owner) without the need to go in listing details and look for link posts. This as I mentioned a basic search function and it should be add as filter in search bar. Still waiting for solution


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Sorry to disappoint you but these are the options that are currently available.

    I will take your idea up as a suggestion, a ‘Parent Post Title Dropdown’ that would return/filter linked posts. The developers always consider adding popular requests.

    However, at this time the idea would require your own customization.


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Abdelaziz,

    Linked posts widget has link “View All” which redirects to search page to list all the linked listing. Searching already working with &linked_from_post=POST_ID and &linked_to_post=POST_ID, but it not added in search form. We have already a todo to enhance searching with this feature.



    Abdelaziz Noor El Din
    Expired Member
    Post count: 97

    Thank you Alex for the feedback. Kiran, thank you for the hint but I will have to wait till you guys provide a solution to this issue, hopefully with the next update.

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