Hi Guys.
Just wondering if one of you could have a look at my test site at all as Im having quite a few issues with the locations search?
I can see the locations and now events (dummy data) on the first (home) page, can see the dummy data when selecting my one location thats set, but when I do a search for ‘near my location’ no results show at all and the map zooms out to a world view.
Secondly, I have never been able to see any icon showing my present location?, not even from first release?
It seems like it is not able to locate me (or any user) as a present location?
I have played around with this for hours and so am unsure now if its me not having a setting right or if its a bug ?
So yes if one of you wonderful people can take a look it would be much appreciated.
I have been testing each addon as they have been releases and have found some potential (small) issues but dont want to wast anyones time if i dont have the core running properly.
Happy to spend lots of time testing once I have the main bit working 🙂 Over all its looking fantastic i have to say 🙂
Ill pass on admin details for full access on reply.